The original inventor and creator of the Jelly Bean, David Klein, announced that his company Spectrum Confections will sell CBD-infused jelly bean candies. They will offer 38 flavors in three variety types, original, sugar-free and sour. Each jelly bean will contain 10mg of CBD. Jelly Belly, the company that produces non-infused jelly beans, will not be involved. Some of their gourmet flavors include toasted marshmallow, strawberry cheesecake and mango.
Klein is applying for a patent for his CBD-infused jelly beans recipe. He originally invented the gourmet jelly bean in 1976. Four years later in 1980, he sold Jelly Belly, but continued with a career in the candy industry. Within less than a decade Jelly Belly became a dominating force in candy brands, becoming famously known as President Ronald Reagan’s favorite candy.
“You can tell a lot about a fellas character by his way of eating jelly beans,” President Reagan wrote in his book, in regards to whether he eats one color at a time or he grabs a handful.
Any retailers or potential buyers of the CBD Jelly Beans must provide their own CBD. Spectrum Confections doesn’t actually process any CBD. To counteract the aftertaste of CBD oil, which can be off-putting, the original beans are dusted in dextrose, a sugary substance, and the sugar-free beans are dusted in Maltitol, another powdery sugar replacement.
“CBD isn’t always the best taste,” a representative of Spectrum Confections told CBS News. “Therefore adding this layer of flavor creates an immediate masking. The CBD is not in the powder.”
They are currently out of stock, but requests can be made on their website in bags of 800 or more pieces of the beans.
I wonder what Nancy Reagan would think of this.
B Le Grand