Greetings my friends,
Welcome to the end of the Summer. This season has been a wild ride for The Edibles Team. We started manufacturing and distributing fully licensed and certified THC product in California again and of course we immediately began hitting roadblocks. Taxes, regulations, and a variety of new laws that seem to change as you move from city-to-city have made everything even more challenging than was originally anticipated, yet we persevere and continue to power through. Products are already available in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Oakland. We’ve got some great strategic partners we’ve teamed up with and are producing low dose vegan gummies, infused nut butters, coconut oil, high dose tinctures and vape carts made with uncut concentrate. More information will be available soon so keep an eye out for all of that.
This is the Love Issue! We’re featuring Love Potion 710’s new product “Love Tonic”, a cannabis infused aphrodisiac drink. We tested this product extensively and were thrilled with the results so we’re recommending everyone interested in spicing up the intimacy give it a try. We also have a list of history’s top 7 aphrodisiacs and a set of very special recipes to help you get in the mood for love and romance. Speaking of romance, there’s also a review of the first episode of the new Beverly Hills 90210 reboot/update. It’s a little hard to describe so it’s probably best if you just read the review. It’s something I kind of watched by accident and then wrote about instead of the new “Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Shaw” movie I saw that same day because no one mentioned weed in that film, despite all of the Samoan guys looking like they probably smoke a lot. I’m still recommending it, just be sure to eat edibles first because it’s crazy and you’ll want to be high for that ridiculousness. There’s been a lot of travelling going on with us this last month. We went to the National Cannabis Industry Association conference in San Jose, The Cannabis Drinks Expo in San Francisco and The USA CBD Expo in Miami all back-to-back and met a ton of new people, ate a lot of food, and were introduced to more new businesses than I can remember. Unfortunately, flying just keeps getting worse and everytime I go through TSA it sort of feels like the terrorists did win that little victory. At least movie theater seats have inherited all of the legroom planes seem to have lost. Also — why are there still ashtrays in the bathrooms on new and newly renovated airplanes? It’s been over 30 years now or something. And by the way, has anyone ever figured out what hashtags have to do with hash?
Enjoy this issue with someone you love, if you’re able to, but also please be sure to love yourself first. And love your cannabis, because your cannabis loves you!
As always, smile at your budtender, tip your delivery driver, and know your dose.
“Truth is not obliged to stick to possibilities.”
Patrick Ian Moore