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Tanganyika Veteran in Cannabis

Hello world my name is Tanganyika, but you can call me Jayn Green: Your Golden Ganja Goddess! I am now, and forever more will always be a Marine baby. I joined back in 2003 out of sheer necessity to pay for college, and it saddens me that in 2000-anything we even have to make a decision like that at all. I did 8 years and was deployed to Iraq twice. I also traveled the world to places like Kuwait, Ireland, London & more. I was apart of 2nd Supply Battalion and the person you had to go see for anything supply related. I moved everything from pencils to people, and I was in charge of millions worth of assets; so my logistics game is on point and I can handle your money better than you can probably.

Before I joined the military I was this sheltered cheerleader who obeyed all laws and rules because “they” told me too. I was the kid who listened to the gateway drug theory, so I wasn’t going to try any of it. Fast forward to adulthood and returning home from combat I realize now that I honestly can’t live without cannabis now. It has changed my entire existence and the way I viewed the world. I had the worst insomnia when I returned home, and broke out sweating when it was time to go to sleep. I barricaded myself in my house and never wanted to leave, or hold a conversation with strangers. Even going into the VA had become a challenge. Now I sleep like a baby, and I will approach a stranger before they approach me to tell them about the power of cannabis. My anxiety is gone and my appetite for food is back. All wins for me!

Today cannabis is my lifestyle. I do daily vlogs on Periscope about the cannabis industry and the exciting things happening in it. I am a writer for cannabis publications that reach millions of readers. I am co-producing a documentary called The Secret Life of Trimmers that will be out in 2018, and I have my own cannabis skincare line called Jayn Green. However, my baby is Marine Qweenz, which is an organization created to educate, empower, and inspire those suffering from the residuals of serving. My business partner does fitness and I teach about cannabis, but our umbrella is wellness. We teach veterans how to overcome PTSD through the use of natural alternatives.

Even doing all of these things its still a struggle to find clean, quality, affordable cannabis even for myself, so I can’t imagine what other veterans are experiencing. Proposition 215 was about compassion but that took and immediate exit when Proposition 64 came into effect. That’s why we are forming our own veteran coalition to grow, sustain, and maintain our own medicine. I am very fortunate enough to live in a compassionate state, and I tell the VA straight up that I use cannabis as my preferred treatment option. My business partners and friends aren’t so lucky. I go to the VA every blue moon, but my PTSD is actually triggered when I go there sometimes so for the most part I avoid them and treat myself.

To all the people out there with so many opinions about the way we should medicate I would challenge them to take the pills the VA gives us and call us in the morning. We are no longer trying to convince you that this is a viable medicine that works for us. We are now saying we actually fought for this country, so if anyone should have the right to choose our own medications it should be us.

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