NXTLVL is a new brand of vape cartridge that will soon be available in California. NXTLVL is produced by Jeff the 710 Rocket Surgeon and Amber Lee Abbott, and they happen to be my personal favorite when it comes to creating top quality cannabis oil. They started out making RELM, then went on and created both W Vapes and Apollon Formularies where they continued perfecting the art of extraction. Now they’re making NXTLVL cartridges the best yet.
Each cartridge is 500mg of supercritical Co2 extracted strain specific cannabis oil with all of the flower’s native terpenes reintroduced in post processing for extra flavor, aroma and effect. This particular strain was lemon haze and tastes silky smooth just like you remember the buds smelling. Top quality stainless steel and glass wickless cartridges with a central pole are used in manufacturing so you know the hardware is good enough to go with the product and like usual it’s a 5/10 thread so they work with most any normal size battery.
The feeling produced by the high is outstanding. Delicious to continue puffing on and completely natural tasting, there’s no PG, VG or non native terps added and the flower used is all organic and nug run. It’s a light, heady effect and you’ll find it easy to relax after just a couple of puffs. Nice natural clouds are produced perfect for blowing those smoke rings we all love without annoying any non-smokers who might be nearby. The new website is gonxtlvl.com, so you should be able to find them at California shops very soon.
Tommy Knowledge