Dear Gar, I have had great success with medical marijuana for back pain issues. I currently use edibles and a topical cream instead of pharmaceuticals. I am now having a problem with shingles. Will anything in topicals help? The pain is very intense. Bill, San Diego, CA
Hi Bill, There is limited research on the topical use of cannabis for shingles. I have received several success stories from medical cannabis patients, however. A strong external oil can be applied to the inflamed area(s) and covered with a towel or gauze. This is done several times daily until pain and inflammation disappear.
Hello Gar, I went to my local dispensary to get some infused topical cream for an old wrist injury. They said that they had a CBD only cream that I should try. What do you think? Pat, Berkeley, CA
Hi Pat, Your question is one that I’m starting to hear a lot. THC contained in topicals does not get you high, so it should, in my opinion, be viewed as a beneficial necessity in a topical product. The benefits of THC are well known, with the only drawback being the psychedelic effect. Since the head high is not an issue, there is very little reason to exclude it. CBD only creams seems to work very well on pain, as well as several other conditions, and they are great if you live in a “CBD only” state. But, since both are available to you, why use only one cannabinoid when you can have them all? For those readers in CBD only states, look for a product containing a generous amount of CBD. Check the milligrams on the package and compare.
Hi Gar, I understand that there are now topical personal sprays. Do these products really work? Lisa Reno, NV
Hi Lisa, I’m glad you asked that question. Since personal, intimate type infused products are fairly new to the market, many people don’t understand just how beneficial these products are. Personal sprays for both men and women can help bring new satisfaction and intimacy to your sex life. A product containing unrefined coconut oil and whole plant cannabis is a good place to start. These dual purpose products are not only therapeutic, but lots of fun! Try a few and find one that you like.
Gar Souders,