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Patient Testimonial: Cannabis Killed My Stage IV Lung Cancer

Patient Testimonial: Cannabis Killed My Stage IV Lung Cancer

Monday, December 16th 2013, I had been complaining of a small niggling pain on my left side around my ribs for a few days, but nothing too bad. I’d had an hour massage on the previous Friday, so I thought that I was just feeling the after effects of that. As the days went on each time I took a big deep breath I did have slight pain on my left side, so I got it checked out.

On Thursday, the 19th of December 2013, an Emergency Department doctor found a mass on my left lung after a chest X-Ray this was quickly followed by CT scan with contrast.

The ED doctor came out and motioned for us to come into her office and sit down not saying a word. She opened the conversation with, “I’m so very sorry.…..What? I’m so very sorry. There appears to be a sizable mass in your left lung – what? What is it? Have you ever smoked? What? No? Never! The look on the Doctors face said it all. There seemed to be silence, just the doctor looking at me and that time seemed to be slowed down somehow. She kept saying sorry, sorry to give you this news so close to Christmas. What? She said she has contacted a Respiratory Registrar to come down to see me to book in for a biopsy of the mass. My head was spinning! I recall saying a number of times, what? No? What? I don’t smoke, I never have, what? Well we can remove it right? What? It’s like I could hear myself saying the same thing over & over but I couldn’t stop. But I’m so healthy. What? No?

It really did feel like she was talking about someone else, It didn’t feel real. I was thinking to myself, it will be fine, Doctors will operate and take it out somehow, it will be fine.

It wasn’t fine. After several attempts to biopsy the tumor, finally on Monday, the 13th of January, 2014 the Doctors were able to get a sample with a CT guided chest/lung biopsy through my back. The X-Ray taken 4 hours after to check the lung, showed a minor hemorrhage around the left lung mass and as a bonus they managed to give me a pneumothorax (partially collapsed lung).

Wednesday, the 15th of January, we got the results, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (adenocarcinoma). A PET scan was booked to see if it had spread, as I was a non-smoker the doctors were convinced that the lung would not be my primary.

Friday, the 17th of January 2014, I had the PET scan. The doctors found that the lung mass was the primary at 5 cm, tgwo lymph nodes in the chest and one in the base of my neck were affected, and there was fluid around my heart, and cancer in the pleura or lining of the lung. The Doctors told me as it had spread to the lining of my lung and lymph nodes they classified me as stage IV Terminal Lung Cancer with a prognosis of 6-9months to live.

Thursday, the 30th of January 2014, the first round of chemo began (5 hours).

Thursday, the 6th of February 2014, the second round of chemo began (1 hour).

Friday, the 14th of February 2014, we found out that the biopsy taken was positive for Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) mutation, so no more chemo, yeah!

Thursday, the 20th of February 2014, I started the non-chemotherapy drug TARCEVA 150mg tablets (Erlotinib), this is a EGFR inhibiting drug.

Tuesday, the 25th of February 2014, I started juicing heaps of fresh cannabis leaves.

Wednesday, the 26th of February 2014, my husband cooked our first batch of cannabis oil.

Sunday, the 20th of April 2014, my husband cooked our second batch of cannabis oil.

Tuesday, the 22nd of April 2014, we received cannabis oil from an experienced medical cannabis activist that was prepared to help.

Tuesday, the 20th of May 2014, we started experimenting with suppositories and eventually by mixing .5ml of organic coconut oil with .5 ml cannabis oil in a 1 ml syringe just straight up. We call it ‘the backdoor method.’ I believe that this was our break through and also with this method I experienced no ‘high’ and was able to have the full 1 ml of cannabis oil per day as that is what was recommended for an aggressive cancer.

Wednesday, the 3rd of September 2014, PET scan Conclusion: complete metabolic response. Residual non-FDG avid scar tissue in the left upper lobe corresponding to the site of the previously intense FDG avid primary malignancy. NO CANCER!!!

Yes, there is a lot more detail that I could go into but this is just a quick look at my year so far. I hope it helps someone if so, please let me know.

My husband and I would like to thank all the amazing people from around the world that helped us on a Facebook Group Site called ‘Cannabis Oil Success Stories’. These people taught us all we know and helped save my life. Also, a BIG thank you to:
(for good nutrition & other advice)

Remember happiness is a choice…choose every day to be H A P P Y!

This is my personal experience of healing and everyone is different, it worked for us but may not for all. This is an accumulation of knowledge we have gathered over the past eight months. Please carefully consider your own path.

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