Quiver’s approach to THC infused intimacy lube (or, excuse me, “sensual pleasure cannabis oil”) isn’t new, per se,—other formulas have added essential oils, such as tea tree, to a natural oil like safflower or coconut. But HerbaBuena’s product, Quiver, is unique in its flavor profile, infusing bold spices like cinnamon and clove to create a festive and cozy feeling inside one’s orifice.
However, I caution users who may be attracted to this product, as those of us willing to put spicy, potentially psychoactive products on our genitals might also be using this product for some varsity level bedroom activities. Some of the more “extra erotic” sexual mainstays in my personal life, when combined with a product that contains 120 mg of THC and “a whisper of black pepper” have the potential to create a little too much stimulation, as spicy flavors can often feel like tearing or stinging if applied to tissue that is inflamed. So choose your intimate activities wisely when infusing with Quiver. I recommend softer, oral play so that both partners can enjoy the benefits and the taste of this festive and adventurous product.
The organic list of ingredients include: coconut oil, cannabis, a whisper of vanilla, black pepper, cinnamon, and clove. As with all other coconut or natural oil products, this lubricant is not latex safe so be very careful if you’re using condoms.
Check out the website at herbabuena.com/quiver for even more details.
Siouxsie Q