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Letter from the Editor Issue 43

Letter from the Editor Issue 43

Greetings my friends,

It’s National Woman’s Month and we have some amazing stories to share this issue. If you’re in the Las Vegas area March 26-28th our Founder and CEO, B Le Grand, will be speaking about CBD Infusions and cooking with cannabis at the Night Club & Bar Cannabis Expo. California is entering our third month of adult use recreational legalization – and it’s weird. There are new laws that will be requiring us to list the licensee numbers of advertisers moving forward, so look for that to start happening next month.
Also – we got together with Buck Angel, Rebekka Armstrong and Leon Mostovoy for a really cool rooftop photo shoot and interview in downtown Los Angeles and here it is: Welcome to The Humanity Issue!

I really can’t say enough about how cool it was to work with these three, they’re like rock stars. I was only twelve years old when Rebekka Armstrong appeared in Playboy as Miss September 1986 and I remember that! Buck Angel actually came out to the iO West Comedy Club in 2012 and performed in our Improv + Storytelling show “Glory Stories.” April Flores did too and coincidentally she’s a guest writer/reviewer in this issue and told us everything you need to know about Quim Rock Infused lubricant. Speaking of iO West, it was just shut down permanently so don’t accidentally try to see a show there – it’s gone and the obituary is in this very magazine. Sad facts but they need to be shared.

We’ve got more cool stuff in this issue, including the news, reviews, interviews and recipes you keep coming back for, as well as contributions from Army Veteran and Animaniacs Alum Colin Wells, and a super stoney Black Panther movie review by DJ Reid 420. All the details you need about Operation Candy Crush are here, so is a brand new event guide that already features some very exciting things to plan on doing for 4/20.

As always, smile at your budtender, tip your delivery driver, and know your dose.

“Truth is not obliged to stick to
the possibilities.”

Patrick Ian Moore,

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