With a tagline like, “Suck Me” I knew I was going to be a fan of Cumulus Candies, and then I tried the reinvented cannabis treat and realized, everyone should, “suck on these”. Edibles have truly come a long way from the shatter infused jolly ranchers of yesterday. Cumulus Candies somehow manage to squeeze consistent good vibes and great flavor in each of their shatter infused hard candies. The square shape and small size of these micro dosed edibles was very appealing to me since they are small but last a good while in your mouth. The flavor is what makes you want to keep coming back, a powdery sour coating covers a nice lightly sweet candy, giving you that sweet and sour punch that wakes up your taste buds. Let’s talk about the effect, at times edibles can be too heavy and more for a good night in bed, Cumulus candies on the other hand would be better for taking during the day when being active and social is the plan. At a comfortable microdose at just 5 mg ea, the candies left me feeling very focused with a mellow mind high, and a calming sensation in my nerves that resulted a very relaxed body. Recently, I have become a huge fan of micro-dosing, although my tolerance is very high when it comes to the amount of THC that takes away my pain I have learned that 5 mg is great for my anxiety. The sour pineapple candies were perfect for popping in my mouth on those days where I just needed to take the edge off while still completing my daily tasks. The sweet and sour taste from the pineapple was refreshing and delicious with absolutely no cannabis flavor to be found. The bag of Cumulus Candies was a great addition to my purse and I would recommend these for any outing where cannabis discretion is in the forecast. There are plenty in the bag to share and since the dose is so low it will be a comfortable entry point into edibles and how a low dose THC feels. Remember friends when it comes to edibles, the golden rule is; start low and go slow.
Jakki Hernandez