Ingredients List:
6 regular sized russet potatoes (or preferred potato)
½ cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
2 scallions (finely chopped)
4 tablespoons cannabutter (or to taste)
¼ cup milk
½ cup bacon bits
½ teaspoon salt
Pre-Heat: 375 degrees
Bake: 25 minutes, or until golden brown
Yield: 6 servings
Clean the potato well before you prepare it for boiling. Cut your clean potatoes into even cubes and place into boiling water for about 45-60 minutes. Fully cooked potatoes will not stick to a fork when poked. Strain your potatoes and place them in a large mixing bowl. Add the canna butter and milk and smash together completely. You can always add as much canna butter as you need or to taste. Add the salt and scallions into the potato mixture. Put the potato mixture into a casserole dish and top the cheese and bacon bits and bake.