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MarQaha is a very old Arabic word that refers to the “bliss” felt while drinking coffee, it has also come to mean “someone or something impossible to hate”. They offer handcrafted drinks, edibles and other medicinal products to dispensaries that bring a feeling of bliss,
in Colorado.

Their full line of products include the flasQ, a 20oz infused drink in several flavors and strain specific options. MIST!, their sublingual spray. tinQture, a sublingual oral tincture. Along with a 12oz drink
and capsules.

The sativa agave tincture is simply divine. The agave Take Flight tincture is both sweet and smooth. You can use it in a cup of tea or even just drop it under your tongue. It is delicious and I found myself going back for more every so often. Watch out though, the entire bottle contains 600mg.

The sativa MIST! – as you know, I do like my sativas – is really uplifting and discreet. It comes in a 100mg, childproof spray bottle. It is all-natural, gluten-free, vegan, caffeine free, low glycemic and lab tested. MIST! is the perfect discreet daytime medicating option.

For more information about marQaha please go to:

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