Pharma-C 420 Spray Away by Amazing Herbal Creations is a cannabis infused topical and botanical health aid specially developed to help with nerve pain and sciatica, although it’s very beneficial for all types of topical body pain providing powerful, safe & fast pain relief. Every 4 fluid ounce amber glass bottle of Spray Away contains 239 mg of cannabinoids that include: 95.6 mg of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 83.65 milligrams of Cannabigerolic Acid (CBGa), and 59.75 mg of Cannabidiol (CBD). Transdermal methods of relief work by binding to a network of cannabinoid type 2 receptors, abbreviated as CB2. These CB2 receptors are found throughout the body and are activated either by the body’s naturally occurring endocannabinoids or by cannabis compounds known as “phytocannabinoids” like THC and CBD.
With most topicals, cannabinoids can’t breach the bloodstream so even when they contain active THC, they still won’t induce intense feelings of being stoned like one would experience from smoking cannabis or eating edibles. Topicals like Pharma-C Spray Away are most often chosen for treating localized pain relief, inflammation, muscle soreness, and tension as well as a wide spectrum of other benefits, from psoriasis, dermatitis, and itching to headaches and cramping. This spray on topical works extremely well and has been effective every single time I’ve used it treating pains in my neck, back and also relieved aching caused by shoulder subluxations and stress fractures in my legs.
Pharma-C 420 products are made with certified Organic ingredients that are Fair-trade, and all products are packaged in Eco-friendly packaging. Pharma-C 420 Spray Away’s certified organic ingredients include: Herbs – chickweed, rosemary, chamomile, calendula, lavender, red clover, and Saint John’s Wort. Other ingredients are – magnesium oil, filtered water, aloe vera extract, and carrots.
To learn more about Amazing Herbal Creations’ Cannabis Infused Health Aide and Skincare visit their website at
Tommy Knowledge