
Ask Dr. Mike about Topical Cannabis Treatments

Ask Dr. Mike about Topical Cannabis Treatments

What is a cannabis topical treatment?
One example of a cannabis topical treatment is to apply cannabinoids to the area of someone’s skin to treat an ailment. Often times users apply different types of cream or oil to treat various types of pain.
How many types of
topical treatments are there?
There are 3 popular forms of topicals that can be found at dispensaries right now. They are lotions, salves and a patch that sticks to your skin. It seems these applications are getting more sophisticated. There may also be other forms I am not aware of.
Is it better to use a THC
or CBD topical?
This area can vary for different users. Some might find success with one over the other. I always recommend trying both to see what works better for you. However, I highly recommend trying a topical that contains both THC and CBD.
Do lotions and salves help external skin conditions or joint and muscle pain?
I have heard success stories for both types of treatments! Personally, I have applied the Topicanna brand lotion to an area of my skin that was burned and it absolutely progressed the healing process.
What about people with colon, prostate or cervical cancer, should they use a topical or edible to treat symptoms of those conditions?
These different types of cancer can be difficult to treat with a topical since the issue may be a lot deeper underneath the skin. Consuming an edible, vaping or smoking could be a better treatment for these types of health ailments.
Is it true that there is topical cannabis
for intimate use?
Yes, there are various brands that make a topical cannabis sex lube! These oils claim to heighten the sexual experience through a THC infused sex lubricant.
Are there any risks with using cannabis topical treatments?
One of the risks that come with using a topical can be an allergic reaction. Depending on what you’re applying the topical to, some major cuts on your body may not react well to a cannabinoid infused topical. I recommend applying a small amount to your skin initially.
Can you put salves and lotions on an open wound?
Yes! However, please be careful with the type of wound topicals are being applied to. I have personally used topicals for minor cuts and the healing process seemed to heal exceptionally faster.
Do salves, lotions or oils treat scars?
Yes! Some oils help scars without infused cannabinoids. One of them is Tea Tree oil. If you’re able to find any topicals that include vitamin E as an ingredient, it may help treat your scars!

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