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The Mystery Baking Company is Delicious: Case Closed!

The Mystery Baking Company is bringing innovative, new and infused ideas to classic treats and delicious dishes, and takes a certain amount of creative inspiration from the mildly psychedelic cartoon “Scooby-Doo, Where are You!” which originally debuted in 1969. That makes sense, being that the creator and owner goes by “Scooby” and has since before he can remember. Scooby wasn’t always a creator of cannabis infused edibles – once upon a time he was producing music events and hip-hop concerts, and doing fun runs wearing a full size Scooby-Doo costume. When he decided to begin producing edibles way back in 2010, it seemed natural enough at the time to start by making “Scooby Snacks,” which were marshmallow and cocoa puff treats infused with canna-butter.

Things went well, and Scooby continued producing events throughout Southern California and making and selling Scooby Snacks to dispensaries. As the years went by and the industry continued to change and evolve, he noticed certain trends come and go. There seemed to be a lot of “edibles” but a lack of “spreadables.” Patients seemed just as interested in getting the butter fueling the Scooby Snacks as they were in the actual products, and if people wanted the butter, there was a really good chance they’d want even more. After carefully considering all the different spreadable options he had to choose from, Scooby settled on producing a line of four infused spreadable products: Butter, Peanut Butter, Honey, and Hazelnut Spread, which he calls “Budtella”. Each container is 4 ounces and every 4 oz contains 300 mg of tetrahydrocannabinol, with the exception of the butter which is actually a total of 400 mg. All of The Mystery Baking Company products are infused with top quality supercritical Co2 extract made from top shelf San Fernando Valley OG Indica flowers from their very own grow. All of the ingredients used producing the MBC infused spreadables are all natural, locally grown and organic.
The world of cannabis edibles isn’t always easy to predict and regulations are in a seemingly constant state of flux and change. Despite these truths, it definitely seems like more and more people are going back to infusing their own food at home or hoping to incorporate medicine into actual meals, which is easier said than done for many people. Peanut butter, honey and butter are some of the easiest ways for folks to infuse their own breakfasts and snacks, and hazelnut butter is quickly gaining popularity in the states. Keeping it simple by adding any of these potently delicious products to toast or bagels is easy enough. For the more confident or adventurous chefs out there, it’s an absolutely perfect way to infuse homemade crepes or muffins. If you’re interested in making your own strawberry and banana crepes infused with The Mystery Baking Company Budtella, see our recipe in this very issue. The MBC Canna-Butter melts perfectly and is ideal for making a cannabis powered grilled cheese sandwich or to pour over fresh popped popcorn to enjoy on the couch with a movie. For fans of peanut butter and jelly or peanut butter and honey sandwiches, Mystery Baking Co has what you need to make both and the combination tastes wonderful. The honey also makes infusing smoothies easier than ever and adds just the right amount of all natural sweetness.

As the industry keeps growing, so does The Mystery Baking Company. Part of this very interview was conducted over the phone while Scooby was at The High Times Cannabis Cup in Santa Rosa, CA. Their products continue to be well received everywhere they go and it’s definitely not slowing down anytime soon. Infused spreadables certainly seem to have a bright and delicious future when it comes to the edibles industry. Experts and amateurs alike will have no trouble finding plenty of ways to use the MBC products and if you need new ideas or to be inspired, Scooby has recipes you can use on their website and Instagram too.

Scooby might be fully committed to manufacturing Mystery Baking Co spreadables and edibles, but it doesn’t mean he’s totally finished producing events. The skills he learned producing hiphop events like Rhyme Fest LA are now being put to use creating marijuana events. Coming to Los Angeles this Summer is the very first annual Cannabis Cookout and it’s shaping up to be a very cool celebration of food, fun, Summer and cannabis. If there was ever any question, the mystery has been solved: Mystery Baking Company is delicious – case closed!
To learn more about Scooby and The Mystery Baking Company, visit their website at, or visit the instagram at @MysteryBaking. Be sure to watch for more details about the Cannabis Cookout in this very magazine.

Also in this issue’s recipes section, we’ve shown you how to make a variety of infused snacks and meals just right for fun in the Summer season and we’ve done so using the Mystery Baking Co products. Learn how to make the crepes featured on the cover, tacos, turkey burgers – and the munchie masterpiece of the month: a peanut butter, banana, bacon, and honey sandwich powered by cannabis!

Now just for fun, try re-reading this entire article out loud in a Scooby-Doo voice.

Patrick Ian Moore

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