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Pot Stocks & Stocked Pots: GW Pharma & Eggplant Soup

GW Pharmaceuticals - Epidiolex - Edibles Magazine - Pot Stocks and Stoked Pots

GW Pharmaceuticals

The company behind “Epidiolex”, the name of the schedule 5 – legal/ medical version of government patented cannabidiol (CBD), GW Pharmaceuticals, has reported that sales of its “cannabis derived” epilepsy drugs are more than double from what the previous quarter was, sending their shares spiking more than 11% higher than they were previously. The total reported by GW Pharma is now $72 million in sales, and that’s far above the estimate of the professional stock market analysts who had calculated the figure at a relatively conservative $47 million. So far, Epidiolex is the only drug derived directly from the cannabis plant to gain approval Food and Drug Administration and treats a pair of seizure disorders that begin in childhood.

According to, “GW Pharmaceuticals GWPH, +0.28% reported second-quarter sales of $68.4 million for Epidiolex, which uses cannabidiol, a compound present in cannabis plants to treat certain forms of epilepsy. Wall Street analysts had forecast Epidiolex sales of $40.9 million, after GW Pharma reported sales of

$33.5 million in the first quarter.” Invest while you can, if you want to. Here’s an eggplant soup recipe to help you live with yourself if you decide to do that.

Eggplant Weed Bean Soup


2 medium eggplants
5 tablespoons of cannabis infused olive oil or grapeseed oil
1 large onion, chopped
2 cans white beans (400g / 14oz)
2 – 4 tablespoons lemon juice


Preheat oven to its highest setting. Cut eggplant in half lengthwise and place on an oven proof tray cut side down. Bake for 30 – 40 minutes or until eggplant is very soft. Meanwhile melt butter in a large saucepan and cook onion, covered for about 15 minutes or until very soft and golden. Add beans and the liquid to the onions and bring to a simmer. Cook for about 10 minutes or until your eggplant is ready. Scrape the flesh from the cooked eggplant and add to the soup. Simmer for a minute or so then puree, if you like. Taste and season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.

Patrick Ian Moore

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