Pop Cultivate was an event that brought our 2016 to a close and it was definitely one for the books. I was so impressed with Chef Chris and every aspect of the meal. From the location, to the déco,r to the vibe to, the company – everything seemed to be perfect about this evening. Imagine walking into a dimly lit art gallery in the heart of the DTLA Arts District, with beautiful aesthetic paintings covering every wall. Then you walk down this corridor towards another room with brighter lights. In this room is where multiple tables were strategically placed in the middle of the room so that no one had an obstructed view, or was left singled out of this magnificent dining experience. The music is just loud enough to be heard, but not enough to interrupt your conversation, which is so important at these networking events.
I found a seat and a woman immediately greets me with a bubbly personality carrying a tray full of medicated Raspberry White Russian drinks. I grab a glass, thank her, and get the party started instantly. It is so velvety and smooth, with just a hint of a THC aftertaste. I can’t remember if actual alcohol was in it because I don’t remember feeling drunk but either way it was delicious. The appetizer was a Cauliflower Goat Cheese Crostini that was bite size and tasty enough to get your mouth watering for the next course. The next thing I tried was a medicated spinach salad that I crushed because it was so good. Like – absolutely nothing left on the plate whatsoever crushed! Next was this creamy mushroom soup with an actual mushroom on the top. YupI- I practically destroyed that one too. It was so smooth, thick, creamy and delicious that the whole table asked for seconds. By this time we had reached the main course and I have to say I was feeling amazing.
The main course was this wooden Harvest Board display of the brightest tastiest looking vegetables covered in this Romesco sauce. On the board was a setting for each person in that section so it was almost like family dinner style at that point. It had a sliced potato that had asparagus and carrots beautifully displayed on top of it. I’m all about my fruits and veggies these days so for me that was the highlight of the meal. The meat that accompanied it was Prime Rib with Wasabi Aioli. I ended up giving mine away, but not before I took a bite and I must say it really was so tender and flavorful that I started to take a second piece. I kept my self-control but any meat lovers out there would have thoroughly enjoyed.
All in all this was an incredible experience. We were allowed to consume at the table so in between the rolled joints and the meal we had the most incredible night. The décor had real cannabis leaves on the table, and other small details were not overlooked at all. Thank you Chef Chris Yang for bringing Pop Cultivate: A Splash of Christmas to this evolving industry, and we look forward to watching this talented company continue to grow.
Cannabis concentrate was provided by 3C Farms, available at Cannabal City Collective or Coast to Coast. Check out more of their montly themed events at: Popcultivate.com