1. Cannabis users are lazy and unmotivated?
Scientists at Florida International University published a study in 2017 following the motivation levels of regular cannabis users. They concluded that “no significant differences were observed between regular and light users on any motivation index.” Their findings did not support any link between motivation and cannabis use. Yay for science.
2. Cannabis use lowers sperm count?
In March of 2018, a study conducted by Boston University, and reported and published in The Boston Medical Journal, found that, “The influence of marijuana use on human fertility had little overall to no association on fecundability.” Fecundability is the probability of being pregnant in a single menstrual cycle. Meaning, cannabis doesn’t lower sperm count after all.
3. Cannabis is a gateway drug?
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reported that, “The majority of people who use marijuana do not go on to use other, ‘harder’ substances. Alcohol and nicotine are more likely to prime the brain for a heightened response to other drugs and are typically used before a person progresses to other, more harmful substances.” Take that Gene Simmons.
4. It is possible to overdose on cannabis?
The Drug Enforcement Agency’s website’s Drug Fact Sheet on Marijuana, states that, “No death from overdose of marijuana has ever been reported.” Also, The Drug and Alcohol Fact Sheet on The National Institute of Health (NIH) site says, “No, you cannot overdose and die from marijuana.” Thanks DEA. The experts have spoken.
5. Smoking cannabis can cause lung cancer?
Dr. Donald Tashkin, emeritus professor of medicine at UCLA in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, says “There’s no apparent carcinogenic effect on the lung or upper airway and no apparent effect with regard to the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary lung disease”. COPD is the 3rd leading cause of death in America.
6. Cannabis is addictive?
Cannabis is the most widely used drug in the USA and by their 20s, over 56% of Americans have tried it, but only 16% of patients in addiction treatment report it as being their primary drug of choice. Dr. Carl Hart, associate professor of clinical neuroscience at Columbia University, says “Marijuana withdrawal is annoying, but it isn’t life threatening.”
7. Cannabis leads to psychosis or schizophrenia?
A study published in The Journal of Nature Neuroscience made new discoveries about the relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia. Researchers found that the evidence supporting the theory that cannabis use can cause schizophrenia was “weak”, and according to brain imaging studies, Cannabidiol can actually normalize brain activity in humans.