Aloha Edibles Readers, Ohana & Friends,
Our 49th Issue is our Health & Wellness issue, where I had the amazing, fortunate opportunity of interviewing the icon and legend Fran Drescher. It feels like a high point for us as we add another loud voice and platform to the cannabis industry with her Cancer Schmancer Movement non-profit organization. I’ll never forget watching her on TV as The Nanny, if I could go back in time and tell my child-self, “In 20 years you’re going to interview The Nanny about cannabis on the cover of your own magazine,” I don’t think I’d believe it.
If you would like to get a picture with Fran or have her autograph a copy of the magazine, please purchase a VIP ticket to her October 23rd, 2018 Master Class Health Summit where you can learn how to detoxify your life and home ( If you’re not in Los Angeles or the west coast and are not able to make it, please donate to her cause. Cancer Schmancer not only helps educate people about health and alternative treatment options, they can assist with testing and early detection if you are low-income or disadvantaged. We admire how open she is about anti-capitalism and how we’ve been lied to by corporations for so long. She says she’s turned her, “pain into purpose,” which is something I can directly relate to on many levels.
We also want to take a moment to commend those who submitted their applications for licensing in their respective cities. If you are a company that is in fear of going out of business, please reach out to us, we want to hear your story and if we can, help.
Really exciting things are happening in our industry, the CBD drug Epidiolex was rescheduled to a Schedule V drug, it’s not the best thing to happen, but perhaps a move in the right direction. California Assembly Bill 2020 was just passed as we go to close out this issue, allowing the cities and venues to permit local cannabis consumption events as opposed to limiting these types of events to fairgrounds. Not to mention watching Elon Musk smoke a blunt on Joe Rogan’s podcast felt like a revolutionary moment in history.
Last month, I had the pleasure of speaking about the Cannabis Business and Investing at KauaiCann, the first ever cannabis consumer event in Kauai. This month I’ll be speaking at the UtahCann the first ever educational cannabis event in Utah, helping to dispel common misperceived stereotypes of stoners. Additionally, at the end of the month we will be conducting our second annual Edibles Magazine™ Panel at the LA Comic Con Please join us if you can!
To many more firsts, memories and spreading the word, in this millenia and the next,
Mahalo Nui Loa! A hui ho!
~B. Le Grand , CEO & Publisher
Confucius says: “Treat others how you want to be treated.”