Our September Recipes are some of The Herbal Chef’s favorite dishes. He hosts Smokey Supper Clubs, private infused dinner parties and even offers his own edible line. For more recipes and information about The Herbal Chef go to: www.theherbalchef.com
2 lbs Strawberries, ripened
3 cups Sugar
1 cup Water
2 tbs Fresh Lemon Juice
50 mg of cannabis oil
You will begin by making a sorbet syrup. Bring the water, sugar and cannabis oil to a boil, then simmer for 5 mins. Take off the heat and put the syrup into a proper container for an ice bath. Cool rapidly. While the syrup is cooling, take off the green leaves and any white parts of the strawberries off and discard in your compost. You only want the juiciest most flavorful parts of the strawberries in the sorbet. Blend all the strawberries until liquified. Then strain through a fine mesh strainer. You do not want any seeds or inconsistencies in the sorbet. Add lemon juice. Now, depending on how sweet your strawberries are, you may not need to add all the syrup. Taste your mixture in increments to judge its flavor. If you are getting them from a local farm as I do and they have immensely sweet strawberry flavor, you will only need ¼ cup. The syrup is needed to fortify our sorbet, so that it is smooth and creamy instead of icy. Put mixture into an ice cream machine and follow guidelines the manufacturer provides you. Take out and put it in a bin to enjoy for when you crave a fruity tangy bite!
The Herbal Chef