Infusing in Isolation: Recipes, Rations and Cannabis
It’s that time of year again. Just kidding, it’s a time like we’ve never known before and the entire world has changed drastically. But also it’s the 4/20 season and it’s springtime. Even if you’re quarantined in a bunker and living off of rations, you still need to get high, so why not make infused and elevated edibles in style. We’ve included some popular wartime and depression era favorites with a modern fusion cannabis spin. Stay safe, stay stoned, and wash your hands – especially before you cook and before you eat. peSop!
Canna Beets
Salt and pepper
Cannabis infused olive oil
Scrub beets to remove any dirt/debris. Trim off the tops and bottoms. If your beets are large, cut them in half. Line a baking pan or piece of foil with parchment paper.
Add beets. Sprinkle them with cannabis infused olive oil, salt and pepper. Seal the foil. Roast for about an hour. Sprinkle more cannabis olive oil on the finished beets. Serve warm and enjoy.