Hemp Zone Smokes are one of the products we were introduced to while in Long Beach at The National Cannabis Industry Association conference at the convention center. Side note, there’s a mummy on display in a glass case if you go downstairs at The Long Beach Convention Center. I’m still not sure what it’s doing there. We couldn’t find any information whatsoever on site or online so we have no clue as to why there’s a mummy there but there is, so check it out the next time you’re stoned and wandering the LBCC. It’s very interesting.
Hemp Zone smokes are made with hemp leaves instead of tobacco, making them non-addictive. Certificate of Analysis from Integrated Laboratory Solutions with the Cannabinoid Profile & Potency is available on their website. Made from both hemp and CBD oil, these non-psychoactive cigarettes are much safer than tobacco and a good alternative option for smokers. A Certificate of Analysis from Integrated Laboratory Solutions with the Cannabinoid Profile & Potency is available on their website that you can search for by batch number by scanning the code on the bottom of the box. Hemp Zone are packaged just like regular cigarettes. There’s twenty smokes per box and there all the same size as traditional cigarettes. If you never smoked cigarettes these might not exactly seem all that appealing but if you used to smoke, or are currently a smoker then you might actually find this product very interesting. They burn at the same rate and produce the same amount of smoke as normal cigarettes but they don’t smell anywhere near as strong.
If this product was available back when I quit smoking I would have found it incredibly useful. Vaping and e-cigarettes aren’t for everyone and there’s some controversy surrounding vapes these days so hemp smokes are a nice alternative for those who want to give up tobacco but would like to keep blowing smoke rings.
You can order Hemp Zone by the single pack, carton or display case at hzoneinc.com.
Tommy Knowledge