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julies natural edibles

Leading the way in Colorado Edibles

Dear Julie & Team: You win. Well played ladies, well played.

Julie’s Natural Edibles offers a full line of both medical and recreational, premium and healthy cannabis infused edibles in Colorado. All of their products are gluten, refined sugar, pesticide and non-GMO free. This makes me feel less gluttonous, considering I ate all five of the Nutty Bites, in one fail swoop.

Let me tell you about these Nutty Bites, they are small clusters of almonds and sunflower seeds tossed together in a maple syrup blend with a hint of cinnamon. If I had to give these an award I think it would simply read; “Julie’s Natural Edibles – Nutty Bites – You Win!” These are by far the best edibles I have ever tasted. There is little to no detection of cannabis and it does not weigh you down after consumption. They are guilt-free… almost anyway. I do suggest that everyone tries these gooey squares of splendor; I would however, strongly advise that one not eat the entire tube, in one sitting. The high was extremely mellow and the desired effect would have been reached after one square. I believe I would have been able to function on them fine at anytime of day. Since I ate five, I slept really, really well but did not wake up feeling groggy.

Julie’s also offers three other great options if you are in need of a healthy snack or breakfast, perfect for daytime medicating; fresh granola, granola bars and roasted seed mix. I particularly enjoyed the roasted seed mix because it is a blend of raw pumpkin and sunflower seeds, grown without pesticides that they slow roast the seeds with their strain specific cannabutter and sea salt. These are a great option instead of munching on a bag of chips.

For more information about the AMAZING Nutty Bites and the full Julie’s Natural Edibles Menu, please go to:

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