The Gizeh King Size Slim rolling papers are most definitely my favorite new wraps. We scored a bunch of these in Mexico while we were at the cannabis conference down there. They make a variety of cool rolling paper products and filters and everything is top notch. The best of the best is their King Size Slim Papers with Pre-Perforated Filter Tips. Gizeh’s been the top manufacturer of European rolling papers for close to 100 years now and it’s immediately easy to understand why when you roll one up, especially once you light it. Smooth and slow burning extra fine papers that rolls as easy as a tiny tortilla, there’s barely any taste or smell at all outside of whatever it really is you’re smoking. That’s exactly as it should be and there’s been far too many times in my life when the smell of burning paper overpowered the sweet aroma of the ganja I’d been hoping to enjoy. We can all thank Gizeh for saving us from suffering those tragic circumstances any longer.
The size of the King Slim papers is perfect and if all goes right you should end up with a nice tight jay that’s just the size of a cigarette. The pre-perforated cardboard filters are just the right size for a full crutch. You get 34 leaves and 34 flex tips, so each packet allows you to roll 34 smokes if you don’t mess any up. The folding packet has a handy magnetic seal that makes safe storage and transport easier and keeps your papers protected. We rolled some nice joints using freshly ground Cherry Thai cannabis and Gizeh King Slims before seeing the late night screening of Crazy Rich Asians and it was an outstanding combination. Get some Gizeh papers ASAP and roll your own. They burn beautifully and fit perfectly in any standard size doob tube if you plan on taking your handiwork to go. To order KIng Slims, hemp wraps, filter tips, or any other fine Gizeh smoking products, visit them at
Jack Paradise