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Mary Jane University was founded by three inspiring women with unique and diverse backgrounds. Frances is a certified Reiki Master, Angel Therapy Practitioner and has been a consultant for Princess House Parties. Daisy is a Supervisor of Adults with developmental disabilities and has experience with working with Autistic children. Barbi has several corporate level years under her belt, she has an intricate knowledge of event planning and production as well as a vast network of venues, vendors and suppliers. Frances and Barbi also facilitate the Women Grow meetings in Orange County on the first Thursdays of every month.

Mary Jane University offers a line of signature in-home parties and events for the cannabis community. Whether you are new to cannabis as a medicine, curious about the health benefits of cannabis or would like a cannabis themed event, their services cater to all cannabis education needs.

“My purpose in life has always been to heal, inspire and serve in some way. Mary Jane University is a collective consciousness of the Universal spirit or essence of marijuana. Taking our collective talents, years of knowledge and experience and combining it with our passion for healing, it was only natural that Mary Jane University was born. With the vast number of people waking up to the potential of cannabis, we bridge the gap, provide information and demonstrate the versatility of marijuana as an essential path to wellness,” Frances said.

She discussed the critical need for education. “Education is essential to the industry right now. It is the most sought after commodity in the cannabis space right now. Facilitating the Women Grow Orange County chapter meetings, we see it every month. Almost everyone is there to learn. Attendees are hungry to know more and not just in the respect to facilitating business but all aspects of the plant as medicine. They are craving that knowledge that has been kept in the closet for many years,” she said.

She goes on to say, “Mary Jane University is a compliment to any cannabis business. Whether you have a product or service, need an event planned, are an influencer in the industry or are looking to start your own cannabis business, we have a place for you. We aspire to something greater for the community as a whole. Bringing healing, wellness, and community all together only creates a byproduct of wealth and abundance. It is our vision to make Mary Jane University, a household name and to take our ideas and mission across the nation.”

“Everyday we learn something new about this wondrous plant. Cannabis education will always be an integral aspect of Mary Jane University. As more research is done, more patients are healed and cancers are outsmarted, there will always be something to learn,” Frances said.

With a positive view on the future, Mary Jane University hopes to see an upward thriving movement over the next 5 years. Many businesses will make their marks in the space, but the companies that hold true to impeccable standards will shine through and rise above the rest. The main theme of cooperation not competitiveness will carry the message of cannabis and its benefits to the masses. There will always be the need for cannabis and hemp education, and Mary Jane University is here to help.

For more information about Mary Jane University’s services go to:


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