CannaRoyalty Corporation (OTCMKTS:ORHOF) stock shares broke down recently but then turned around and closed strong. The action came in response to the company’s announcement of financial results for the 3 and nine-month periods that ended September 30th, 2018. Revenues were $6.6 million as compared to $744,302, an increase of 790%; gross margin was $298,619 as compared $128,010, an increase of 133%; and operating expenses were $10.1 million as compared to $2.8 million, an increase of 261%.
The company is doing business as Origin House. Marc Lustig, CEO of Origin House, commented, “Last quarter, we stated that after a substantial period of building a foundation, Origin House was at the beginning of a multi-period, sustainable acceleration in revenue growth… Our view is that the next 12 months are going to be critical in determining the winners in the cannabis space. Origin House is positioned as a premier operator in the largest and most dynamic cannabis market in the world and we believe we are just at the beginning of our growth curve.” The company is seeing major top-line growth, with y/y quarterly revenues growing at 280.9%.
Cannabis Infused Lamb Stock
2 pounds of lamb bones, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons cannabis infused olive or hemp seed oil, 1 large peeled and chopped onion, 1 rib of chopped celery, 3 chopped carrots, 3 – 4 sprigs of fresh parsley, 8 whole peppercorns.
Preheat the oven to 425ºF. In a large roasting pan, big enough to hold all the bones, spread out the bones in one layer and coat with a little vegetable oil. Roast the bones for one hour being sure to turn them once or twice so they don’t burn. If you think they are getting too brown too quickly, turn down the heat some and don’t roast as long. When done, remove from oven and reserve. About 15 minutes before the bones are done roasting, heat a large stock pot over medium heat, add 2 tablespoons of oil and when hot, add the onions. Cook for 3 – 5 minutes. Add the celery and carrots and cook for an additional 5 – 8 minutes. Transfer the bones to the stock pot and cover with water, about 12 cups. Add the parsley and peppercorns to the pot.
Bring to a boil and remove any foam or scum that forms. Reduce the heat and cook at a simmer for about 2 – 2 1/2 hours making sure to skim off any foam that comes back to the surface. Take the stockpot off the heat and let it cool down before you strain it through a fine strainer. If you need to, use a colander and some cheesecloth. Discard the bones and vegetables. Add the remaining two tablespoons of cannabis infused olive or hemp seed oil.
Patrick Ian Moore