Mystery Baking Company Feed the homeless on Skid Row during heavy rain.
Mystery Baking Company started the New Year by partnering with Feed the Street LA, Cookies and George Lopez Chingon bakery, to feed the people at the White House Community Center on Skid Row.
In a city where everyone is moving 100 miles an hour, Mystery Baking Company and dozens of volunteers slowed down for a day, to feed the streets.
With less then 24 hour notice the date was set for Thursday January 5th. Volunteers and those in need met on the corners of 5th st and San Pedro at 6am. Even tho the forecast for Los Angeles was 100% rainy.
At ground zero aka skid row, lines of people extended blocks while the Mystery Baking company served warm breakfast waffles.
Under the heavy rain and gloomy weather, volunteers shared smiles and made memories but most importantly, made a difference in our Community.

From humble beginnings and a rough upbringing Rafael Dos Santos, owner of Mystery Baking, along with his team, dedicated their time to help those in need.
“We tend to disregard those who are less fortunate. The Outcast. The Forgotten. We didn’t help homeless, we helped someone’s son, daughter, brother, father, mother,” said Rafael.
The impact Mystery Baking is making in the community is enormous. Certified chefs along with volunteers cooked over 600 waffles. Covered with their non-Infused spreads, every bite was filled with joy.
Topping off the smell of warm waffles in the air, Hector’s clipper Hand’s and his team of barbers showed up and showed out. They drove over 200 miles from Northern California to join Mystery Baking company at Skid Row, they provided fresh hair cuts to whomever wanted one.
“Love yours, and remember there is no such thing as a life better then yours.” – J.Cole
And from the chef’s themselves: “We are looking forward to doing it again.”
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