My stepfather once said to me, “Cannabis is a music-enhancer.” I agree. One of my favorite things to do after I medicate at night is lay back in bed and search for new music on Spotify. I decided to take this route the first time I tried Red Bud Elixir’s full-spectrum 10mg gummies. These football-shaped sour strawberry gummies were soft with a pleasant flavor. Two gummies and 30 minutes later, my tension began melting away. With the speakers thumping out some of my favorite tunes, my stepfather’s words rang true. Songs I’ve had playing on repeat for weeks suddenly sounded better than ever. I closed my eyes and propped my head up with pillows. I reached a deep state of relaxation while the musical stylings of Golden Vessel took me to new heights. I was in a state of pure bliss.
Aside from the great aural pleasure these brought me, Red Bud gummies also make an excellent workout supplement. I took 2 the very next morning before completing a 15-mile bike ride through the Osage hills. I felt creative and motivated. These gummies are perfect for just about any activity, day or night.
Red Bud Elixir gummies are easy to spot on shelves. The brightly colored rectangular box and full spec shades are an eye catcher. It’s clear these edibles were crafted by people who take pride in their products. To find where these gummies are sold, visit While you’re there, take at look at the other products. They have a something for every type of patient, whether you smoke, dab, or eat your “greens.”
Laine Durand