Swerve Confections and Melts – Swerve Snooze Bar Review
This week I had the pleasure of tasting the Snooze Bar by Swerve Confections, and I must say that this was one of the highlights of my week. This scrumptious poppy seed, honey, and almond masterpiece almost made me forget that it was a medicated treat. This seriously tasted like I could easily pick this up from my nearest healthy supermarket, and then go over to grandma’s house to drop off samples.
I have had poppy seed bagels in the past, so I was familiar with the taste and texture, but to combine it with a sweet from the honey and the nutty flavor of the almond put this edible in a brand new category of its own. Then to mentally know that it has cannabis and opium poppy in the ingredients made it even more sinfully delicious.
This reminded me of a cinnamon sweet granola bar that I used to eat years ago serving in the military. It is crunchy, sweet, chewy, and tasty all in one. Even though it says that it’s for sleep and stress on the package I felt like I could climb Mt. Everest after I finished eating it. It felt like it was so healthy and beneficial for me, and I was just glad that I didn’t have a bigger piece because I surely would have gone overboard.
The 25 mg dose was just enough to keep the pain away, and the fact that it was an indica hybrid strain means that you get the best of both worlds as I conducted my daily activities. I didn’t feel like I needed to lay down, but I did feel relaxed and clear minded at the exact same time.
I am really big on checking ingredients and nutrition facts on the back of food packages, so I really hope that they start putting that on their packaging, but other than that no complaints.
I am so excited to see what other products this company will offer, and what other delightful treats they will cook up for their cannabis consumers.
Staff Editor