If you’re interested in launching a cannabis product in California, or seeking expanded distribution, we’re happy to announce that we are licensed and operating in Southern California. We are the go-to manufacturing house for edibles and infused products and are partnering with brands to help streamline the licensing process and help companies stay in business.
It’s truly been a long hard road for us to get licensed, but we seek to continue adding value to the cannabis markets. With our experience and knowledge we offer a competitive edge to others just joining the industry now.
The barrier to entry is extremely high in California’s cannabis industry. There’s the expensive application fees, the increased rates for real estate per square foot from greedy landowners, the never ending compliance efforts that require multiple permits through a multitude of agencies.
Did you know that once distributors are licensed they are required to get another special permit to weigh things? Or that distributors need a motor carriers permit from the DMV and a special cannabis tax permit in addition to having a seller’s permit? At the end of the day, a licensed cannabis business has to answer to every single state agency that exists, unlike any other industry or business type.
We hope that in the coming months and years, California lowers the egregious tax rates and multiple tax classes in every stage of the game. Not only does it make companies go out of business, unable to turn a profit, the consumer is the one who ends up paying for the crazy taxes, which on both accounts, drives the illicit market. Until the taxes get lowered, we will forge on and pave the way for brands who couldn’t make it on their own, or don’t want to.
If the taxes weren’t enough of a deterrent to be legal, there’s no clarity from the IRS on how to file a state licensed cannabis business. They treat you like Al Capone, as if you were a criminal and running a racket. You’re allowed to pay taxes, but you can’t write anything off, so what profit you thought would be there now belongs to the IRS.
Packaging and minute details bog down the process as do expensive testing requirements. With over 30+ years of marketing and branding experience on our team we are eager to break new brands or bring back products to the market.
We help brands navigate through the legal market and supply quality people a home for their infused products. We know how hard legalization has been, and we’re just glad to still be standing through the rocky road we’ve endured. Contact us at 310.601.7299 or email us at info@edibleslist.com if you are interested in manufacturing or distributing with us.
B. Le Grand